Summer Safety Smarts

Summer Activity Safety Tips

Updated October 18, 2024 . AmFam Team

Check out our safety tips for summer activities to help keep kids safe during the summer fun.
Summertime means playing in the water and exploring the trail, but most of all, summer fun is all about making memories with family and friends. And you’ll find full appreciation for the warm weather when your summer safety efforts start to shine. So, keep these summer activity safety tips in mind to help keep kids (and adults!) safe this season.

Water Safety for Kids

Keeping kids safe in the water is a chief concern for many parents, especially during the summer at the pool. Water safety for kids is all about setting firm ground rules before any child goes near the pool or any body of water:

  • Have young kids ask for permission to swim so an adult will know to watch them in the water
  • Always have kids swim with a buddy — never swim alone
  • Designate an area for the kids are to swim so adults will know where to look for them
  • Adults should know how to handle a water emergency
  • Weak swimmers should always be within 3 feet of an adult when in the water
  • New swimmers should wear NTSB/US Coast Guard approved life jackets — not water wings, floaties or just use a “noodle” to stay afloat

Here are other summer water safety tips for kids:

Enroll in swimming lessons

Everyone can benefit from learning how to swim. Knowing how to swim may reduce the risk of drowning in children ages 1 to 4 and has been shown to increase self-confidence in young children.

Check for water depth before allowing kids to swim

It might look shallow, but lakes, ponds and rivers can be deceiving. If you’re swimming somewhere new, have one adult keep kids safe by letting them play in the sand while another adult swims out and verify the depth of the water, first.

Respect undertow warnings and signs

Rivers, lakes and the ocean all have the ability to tug you under. Most public beaches will close off areas prone to undertow — be sure to educate your kids on all warning flags and their meanings.

Boat safety starts with you

Make sure you have enough life jackets for everyone — even pets! Take a look at our boat safety tips for a rundown of keeping everyone safe on your watercraft.

Outdoor Pest Control Tips

There’s a lot you can do to control outdoor pests to help make the most of your time outside. Protect yourself and your family from those itchy bumps with these tips to help manage outdoor insects and pets.

Protect your feet and legs from bites

Closed-toe shoes help reduce the risk of stings and bites. When hiking through tall grass or into the deep woods, wear long pants and tuck the ends into your socks. Doing so can help keep ticks away.

Be ready for allergic reactions

Food allergies can be a big problem if you’re hiking for miles and can’t reach a car quickly. Be sure you ask everyone about their food and insect allergies before heading out. And if necessary, travel with an emergency epinephrine auto-injector, and learn how to use it too.

Mow your lawn regularly

Mowing your lawn frequently can help reduce the tick and pest populations in your yard.

Remove local weeds, debris

Tall grasses, leaves and brush are places that can hide ticks and fleas. So, pull those weeds, gather the trash and keep the yard mess to a minimum.

Beware of standing water

Standing water can give rise to mosquitoes. Cover or empty your kiddie pool each time the kids are done playing in it. And turn in upside down to prevent rain from gathering in the pool. Cleaning your gutters regularly can help reduce standing water, too.

Pest-proof your yard

Place playground equipment away from brush and trees. Consider putting up a fence to keep wildlife out of your yard that might be carrying pests on them. You can also restrict pest migration into your yard by setting up a 3-foot wide barrier of mulch or gravel between your lawn and any nearby woods or fields.

Stack firewood away from the house

Not only will this reduce the population of biting insects in or near your home, you’ll better protect your house from termites.

Be Prepared for Emergencies

Emergency situations can happen anywhere, anytime. Prepare yourself for summer hazards by getting an education in outdoor safety.

Here are other summer safety training tips to consider:

Enroll in safety training courses

Get CPR certified, take lifeguard classes and learn how to spot heat stroke symptoms early on. And don’t overlook keeping kids safe online over the summer. Internet safety and cyberbullying courses for parents can make a big difference to help keep kids safe online and when chatting over mobile devices.

Carry a mini first-aid kit

This should include bandages, antibiotic cream, bee sting remedies, sunscreen and sunburn treatment. Make sure you know how to clean and dress small wounds you or your kids might get while out and about.

Make a family emergency plan

Summer weather can be unpredictable, so take time to prepare for natural disasters by putting together a home survival kit if the unexpected should happen to you.

Summer Safety for Kids

A lot of people look forward to the warmth of summer, especially spending time outside under the sun. Make sure the heat doesn’t spoil the fun by preparing for those super-hot days with these summer safety tips for kids.

Never leave kids or pets in the car

Unless going to a dog park or somewhere they can come inside when you arrive, leave pets at home.

Have kids drink water frequently

The general rule for staying hydrated on a normal day is 2.7 liters of water for men and 3.7 liters for women, but on hot days, you’ll need more.

Protect kids’ skin from sunburn

Wear loose, lightweight clothing and a hat. Make sure you’re applying and reapplying sunscreen regularly and wearing the appropriate SPF level for your skin type.

Avoid the hottest part of the day

Spending time outdoors between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. can expose you to the harshest of the sun’s rays. If you can, stay inside.

Pace yourself in the summer heat

Heat stroke is no joke, so when you exercise or work outside, make sure to take frequent breaks and hydrate with water.

Get the Homeowners Coverage You Need

Summer’s all about getting outside and having a blast with the kids and family. While you’re finalizing your summer plans, be sure to check in with your American Family Insurance agent (Opens in a new tab) and schedule an annual insurance review.

By exploring how insurance needs have changed over the past year, you’ll find more peace of mind with a customized policy that's designed with your family in mind.

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